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Rendering Pipeline

The main loop of the viewer is composed of the following steps:

  • Process input events.
  • Advance timestep and update current frame of all nodes.
  • Clear framebuffer and setup initial renderer state.
  • Render the scene.
  • Render the GUI.

The rendering of the scene can be further broken down into these render passes:

  1. Render objects to the picking map, this is a framebuffer which contains world space position, object id, triangle id and instance id of each pixel.
  2. Render objects to shadow maps, there is one shadow map per light with shadows enabled.
  3. Render objects to the framebuffer (potentially rendering a depth prepass, see Rendering of Transparent Objects).
  4. Render objects to the outline buffer and then use it to render outlines to the framebuffer.

Render passes

The actual rendering pass (first part of number 3 in the list above) is implemented in the render() method by subclasses of the Node class.

The other rendering passes take advantage of the render_positions() method, which is also implemented by subclasses of the Node class. This method receives as an argument the corresponding shader program and it is responsible for drawing the object with only the vertex buffer containing positions bound (this is called in_position in shaders to follow ModernGL naming conventions). Therefore renderables can just implement this one method to enable all other rendering passes. These other passes are implemented on the Node class in the methods render_framgap(), render_shadowmap(), render_depth_prepass() and render_outline(), these methods check that the relevant shaders and flags are set, setup the rendering state and call render_positions() to issue the draw call.

If a renderable wants to enable a render pass it has to do the following three things:

  • Implement render_positions() as described above.
  • Set the relevant flag to True: self.cast_shadow, self.depth_prepass, self.fragmap and self.outline.
  • Set the relevant shader program to a valid shader program for this pass: self.depth_only_program (used by both the shadow map pass and the depth prepass), self.fragmap_program and self.outline_program.

Shader programs

All shaders are stored in the aitviewer/shaders directory. The script aitviewer/ provides utility functions for loading and caching shaders used by the renderer and by renderable classes. All renderables require custom vertex shaders to be drawn, but many fragment shaders can be reused across different renderables. To do this conveniently the aitviewer/ script exposes functions that take a vertex shader and use it to create a shader program for a specific pass.

Tipically renderables use a vertex shader for the normal rendering pass (e.g. spheres_instanced.vs.glsl for rendering spheres) and a simpler shader that only processes vertex positions (e.g. spheres_instanced_positions.vs.glsl) for the other render passes. In make_renderable() renderables use the utility functions to load a shader for each render pass, passing as argument the positions-only vertex shader.

Here is an example of what this looks like for the Spheres class.

def make_renderable(self, ctx: moderngl.Context):
    self.prog = get_sphere_instanced_program()

    vs_path = "sphere_instanced_positions.vs.glsl"
    self.outline_program = get_outline_program(vs_path)
    self.depth_only_program = get_depth_only_program(vs_path)
    self.fragmap_program = get_fragmap_program(vs_path)


Here self.prog is the program used internally in the Spheres class for rendering. The other programs are loaded with utilities functions from aiviwer/ and will be passed by the Node class to the render_positions() method for drawing the corresponding render passes.