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Scene Components


All objects that can be rendered in the viewer are subtypes of the Node class. The Node class contains some information common to all renderable objects:

  • references to parent (parent) and children (nodes) nodes to construct the scene hierarchy.
  • object to world transform information (position, rotation and scale).
  • GUI name (name) and a unique identifier (uid).
  • number of frames (n_frames) and index of the current frame in the sequence (current_frame_id).
  • internal flags and properties related to the state and rendering options of the node.


Renderables are created by subtyping the Node class and overriding the relevant methods. To expose parameters of the Node constructors to users, the __init__() method of subclasses usually take a **kwargs argument that is forwarded to the Node.__init__() method.

The node object does not render anything to the screen when drawn, other renderables override its methods to implement their own rendering logic. Here is a list of the important rendering methods that a renderable needs to override:

  • make_renderable(): this method is always implemented with the Node.once decorator to ensure that it is only called one time when the object is not yet renderable. The purpose of this method is to initialize all OpenGL resources required by the node to be rendered, such as shader programs, buffers and textures.

  • render(): this method is called once per frame when the object should be drawn to the screen. The usual structure of this method is to bind a shader program, set the required uniforms, buffers and textures and invoke a draw method.

  • render_positions(): this is another rendering method that renderables need to implement. This method is called when the object should be drawn with only vertex positions bound, this is used for drawing to shadow maps, drawing to the buffer used for picking objects and drawing the depth prepass for transparent objects (see Rendering Pipeline for more information about render passes).

  • release() this method is invoked to release all rendering resources allocated by the node. It should always be implemented if the node allocates any OpenGL resource to avoid memory leaks.

  • redraw() this method can be invoked on a node when some change to its internal state has happened that modifies the way it should be rendered. Generally the user does not have to call this method directly, as setters of properties that change the appearance of the node should call it instead.

Other useful methods that a renderable can override are the following:

  • on_frame_update(): this method is called whenever the currently selected frame of the object changed. This is called at the start of a new frame and can be used for uploading per frame rendering data or changing any frame related state, self.current_frame_id contains the index of the current frame after the update.
  • on_before_frame_update(): this method is called just before the currently selected frame of the object is about to change. This can be used to free resources related to the current frame before it’s updated, self.current_frame_id contains the index of the current frame before the update.
  • bounds() and current_bounds(): these methods return an axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of the renderable in world coordinates, for the whole sequence of frames and just for the current frame respectively. This bounding box is used for centering the camera to the object and to automatically position the floor below all objects.
  • on_selection(): this method is called whenever the object is selected, this can happen when the object is clicked or when the method is called on the object. When the object is clicked additional information about the click is passed in, otherwise all parameters are None. The additional information can be used to handle selection of specific parts of the object, when it’s not provided the whole object should be considered selected.
  • gui() and gui_*(): those methods are responsible for drawing custom GUI that is specific for this node. There are many gui_*() methods, each method is responsible for drawing in a different section of the UI or in special windows such as the context menu that appears when right clicking on an object.
  • key_event(): this method is called on a node that is selected whenever a key is pressed. Renderables can override this method to implement custom actions.
  • is_transparent(): this method returns True if the object should be considered transparent when rendering. This changes the order in which the object is drawn and performs a depth prepass when rendering this object to avoid artifacts due to self overlap (see Rendering of transparent objects for more information about how transparency is handled by the renderer).


The Scene node is a special renderable, it is created by the Viewer class and it’s always the root of the node hierarchy, it can be accessed from the Viewer.scene property. The scene class is responsible for managing the rendering of the whole scene and contains properties such as references to the camera (, the lights (Scene.lights) and to other default objects in the scene such as the origin (Scene.origin) and floor (Scene.floor) objects.